Tim Hitt

Meet Tim Hitt. Tim has served on four cases and has advocated for nine children. He is a Houma native and is currently the business manager at the Houma-Terrebonne Civic Center. In his free time, Tim enjoys creating stained glass artwork, loves to cook, and likes to entertain friends and family when they are available. Tim likes to deliver his delicious delicacies right to their front door when his friends aren't available. When he tries new dishes, Tim’s neighbors are his taste testers and he will bring piping hot plates to the fence for them to try.
Tim is single but he is a super proud uncle. He prides himself on being the fun, goofy uncle to four nephews, one niece a great-niece, and a great-nephew. Tim said the hardest thing he has ever had to go through was losing a nephew and a niece. He said he always reminds himself of all the fun times they had together and all the stories of being together.
Not only is he the fun and goofy uncle, but Tim also enjoys being goofy with his friends. He enjoys telling stories and no one knows if he is being truthful or not. Although Tim doesn’t have pets of his own, he takes care of the neighbor’s dogs when they are gone. They are spoiled by Tim and will sit in front of him and wait for the treats that they know he will have for them.
Tim initially became a CASA because a close friend encouraged him to. Tim said “she forced him to”, but he admits there wasn’t too much resistance. Even though he was nervous about becoming a CASA volunteer, Tim expresses that he doesn’t regret the decision because there is such a need in the community.
To those who are considering becoming a CASA Tim recommends just do the training, you won’t regret it. You get to meet the children and they will melt your heart. They get to the point they look forward to seeing you on monthly visits. They want you to be a part of each aspect of their lives, from home life to extracurricular activities to showing you their new-found skill or talent. He states that CASA staff is always there when you need help. You can also collaborate with other volunteers so that you are never alone. You can partner up to get started then eventually venture out on your own. Tim was able to push past his fear and anxiety and claims it becomes easier as time passes.