Sandy Trahan

Meet Sandy Trahan. Sandy is a relatively new advocate to CASA of Terrebonne. She swore in on April 25, 2023. She was introduced to CASA in 2017 when her adopted daughter was still in foster care. Her amazing CASA volunteer, Rushelle Fitzgerald showed her the importance of a CASA for the kids we serve. In the years following her daughter's adoption, she took time to just be a mom to her little girl. Then last year a friend of hers asked her to join the CASA class with her. She was unfortunately not able to do it at the time, however, she did join the next class. After swearing in, Sandy was assigned to a case with three siblings. She has worked diligently to establish a relationship with the children, and all involved parties. She states, "Like every other volunteer, I want to help make a difference for these children".
Sandy is the mother of a six (6) year old daughter, Isabella, "Izzy" for short. They have a cat, Sonya and a little old chihuahua named Little Man. She currently works part-time at Walther Animal Clinic and is also a member of the Terrebonne Orchid Society. She loves growing and learning new things about orchids and participates in orchid shows in the South Louisiana area. Sandy is a lifelong resident of Terrebonne Parish, mainly residing in Bayou Dularge.
When asked what advice she would give to others who are thinking about joining CASA she said, "CASA is a great organization to be a part of. Everyone in the administration and the other volunteers want to see you succeed. It's a great experience in giving back to the community and gives you perspective".