Molly Arrington

Meet Molly Arrington. Molly became a CASA about a year and a half ago and has advocated on two cases with a total of three children. She is a very active member of the community and wanted to make a difference in Houma. While Houma is not her original hometown, she considers this her home. She believes the people here are some of the kindest and most open people anywhere she has lived. That is saying A LOT!! Molly was born in Iowa, lived in Alaska, moved to an hour outside of New York City then joined the army and moved around with them. She did spend a large portion of her service in Fort Hood, Tx, and did one tour in Iraq. Molly served four and a half years in the US Army. After her time in the Army, she went to college and flight school to become a helicopter pilot. She has been flying helicopters for the last 20 years. She is currently flying the S-92 for oil and gas. For about 11 years Molly would commute to the area from Austin, New Orleans, Orlando, and Kansas City. She decided to make Houma “home” a little over three years ago. She states she enjoys living close to where she works and being able to create a community in Houma and she has become passionate about improving Houma’s community.
Molly has three dogs. Titan is a four-year-old rescue. He has the best eyeliner and best demeanor of any dog she's ever met. Jazzy aka Betty White is four-years-old. She came from a hoarding situation with over 100 dogs. She has made leaps and bounds with some love and with trust. She makes her laugh all the time and is the cutest 13-pounder I know. Micky is almost one-year-old and is incredibly smart and very handsome.
In her spare time, Molly enjoys spending time with her dogs, friends and family, doing cross-fit, cycling, kayaking, hiking, traveling, and learning new things. One of the many amazing things about Molly is that she has competed in numerous triathlons and plans to hike a 14,000-foot mountain in Colorado this year.
Molly states, “My advice to someone thinking about being a volunteer for CASA is to just do it. There are children and families right now that will appreciate your time and love more than you will ever know. The love you give to someone cannot be measured and will never be forgotten. We all need a support system and we all can be part of someone else’s support system. The amount of joy it brings to spend time with my CASA children is amazing. I want them to know that there is someone out there that has their back and helps make them feel cared for and understood. I can help them today and hopefully help to make them have a better future too “. Molly, we thank you for your service and for all that you do for CASA and the Houma community and all those around you. You are an absolute treasure and a joy to be around.