Lani Tarr

Meet Lani Tarr. Lani has experience with working with at-risk children working for the Lafourche Parish FINS (Families in Need of Services). There, she assists families in which children are dealing with truancy, breaking curfew, runaway, and other issues. She helps connect them to services that can get the family back on track to avoid court involvement.
Lani is married to Simon Tarr and has been for 33 years. They have three adult children, Kyler, Jasmine and Kiana. They also have three grandbabies, Avianah - 12, Adonis – 9 and Amijah - 4. Rounding out their family, are two dogs, two cats and a bunny. Lani has been a resident of Terrebonne Parish since 1992. She was born and raised outside of Denver, Colorado. At the age of 20 she moved to Orem, Utah where she met her husband, Simon. Lani can often be found at Sports Performance Center working out. She states that she feels lost when she can’t make it there. She also enjoys crafting, making jewelry and crocheting.
When you meet Lani you immediately notice her “go get it” attitude. This is evident when you learn that Lani is a high school dropout but also, a summa cum laude college graduate. She is the epitome of the saying, “You can achieve whatever you set your mind to.” Even with such academic achievements under her belt, she states that all she ever wanted was to be a wife and mother and is grateful that she has her dream fulfilled. As previously stated, Lani is rather new to our CASA program, only being sworn in on March 20, 2023. She is already starting on her second case. When asked what advice she would give to anyone thinking about becoming a CASA she states, “It seems so scary to make such an important commitment to someone, but once you do the training and have the support of your supervisor and the whole CASA staff, it is not as intimidating as you would think. You pretty much schedule everything according to your schedule, so that makes it easy too. It is heartbreaking to hear the stories of some of these kids, but if we don’t step up to help, who will? They need us and it is so rewarding!”
Lani always knew that at some point she would volunteer for CASA but it was a matter of timing. There is no better time for her than right now! Welcome to the CASA community Lani! We are so proud to have you!