Cathy Duet

Meet Cathy Duet. She has been a CASA volunteer for a year. She accepted a case shortly after being sworn in and is still assigned to the same case. Cathy graduated from Southeastern Louisiana University in 1985 with a degree in nursing. She worked for 30 years at Chabert Medical Center and states that she was blessed with a rewarding career. She retired in 2018 and was able to care for her mother until she died later that year.
Cathy has been married to her best friend, Jody, for 33 years. They were both nurses and met in Baton Rouge while working at Earl K. Long Hospital. After they married in 1988, Cathy and Jody moved to Houma. They have two children who are both 25 years old. Catherine and Matthew were both adopted in 2002 from Kazakhstan. They have two canine kids, Molly, a two-year-old Golden and Chiwee, a 10-year-old Chihuahua. As an animal rescue family, they have had as many as five dogs and three cats at one time. Mrs. Cathy believes “they could have been the crazy family you read about in the paper!” She does say she is the happiest just spending time with Jody and the dogs. They enjoy finding good places to eat and taking Molly to the park.
Since retirement, Cathy spends most of her time doing volunteer work. She is rooted in the Catholic faith and very active in practicing and doing the work of the faith; thus most of her volunteer work is centered on activities within her church. She helps by doing office work, teaching CCD classes and the sacraments, participating in the nursing home ministry, coordinating special giving projects and whatever else may be needed. She also volunteers at the St. Vincent Pharmacy. When she is not doing volunteer work, she travels to Reserve several times a week to care for her handicapped niece.
Cathy loves to craft, and garden and is a huge fan of DIY; although she often gets in over her head. She admired her dad because he could fix just about anything that broke around their house. A few years ago when the heating element went out in her dryer she found the schematic for the dryer, ordered the parts, and successfully changed the heating element all by herself. She loves teasing her husband about how lucky he is to have her around.
Years ago, Cathy had a neighbor who was a CASA and she knew then that when she had time she would pursue this volunteer opportunity. Cathy’s CASA child is special needs. Since being appointed to her case she has watched not only the child make great progress but also has noticed true growth from the biological mother. She states that “it’s a feel-good story and I am filled knowing that at some point they may be reunited and both will be better versions of their prior selves.” Cathy states that if you want to become a volunteer,” it does take time, effort and commitment, yet so worth it!” As a nurse, she experienced the biggest rewards when she knew that she had taken the opportunity to help/guide someone. As a CASA, she gets that same reward. She concludes by saying, "Whether you are a trusted adult that a child can be open with or a change agent that ensures the safety and provides hope…you will make a difference. "